
Organizational Values Inventory - A look at where leadership is heading

There are numerous stories about how organizational culture (shared values, behaviors, and beliefs) contributes to the success or downfall of an organization. Whether talking about the brilliance of Zappos and Southwest Airlines or the hubris of Enron we are reminded again and again how this largely invisible force can play such a huge role in the rise and fall of organizations. Likewise, if you ask any savvy leader in the business world today the importance of organizational culture, he or she will tell you that it’s paramount.

Preparing Leaders for the Business Challenges of Tomorrow - What does the future of management education look like?

I was going through the September issue of the Academy of Management’s Learning & Education Journal as it was a special issue on sustainability in management education. There were some fascinating articles that point to some new trends in the way we educate and prepare tomorrow’s leaders to address some of the complex challenges they will face in the years to come. I thought I would share some of the key ideas that I found most interesting.