Excerpts from Pollard’s speech at the CVDL’s Senior Executive Roundtable, Sept. 16, 2010. More from this event can be found here.
You are looking at a very imperfect leader as it relates to servant leadership. As you are successful, you begin thinking you have the answers. You know how to do things: I mean, after all, here is your track record of success. And as your responsibility expands, there are trappings of leadership that even further support this.
The story I will tell you involves an experience I had with [leadership pioneer and management consultant] Peter Drucker in Japan. We were going there to hold a management seminar. ServiceMaster had a very fast growing business there, working with a Japanese partner, and obviously I started thinking about selling as well as the management seminar. I said, “Boy,that would be a great opportunity to get potential customers there.” So we encouraged our partner to come, and to invite existing and perspective customers.